- Início
- Abracom
- Clientes
- Contacto
- Blogue
According to Law 34/2002 of 11 July on Information Society Service and E-commerce we inform you that this website abracom.es belongs to the company DINAMIC ABRASIVOS, S.L. with domicile at Partida Cahuets, S/N 46470 Albal Valencia and Tax ID No. B/46691705.
You can contact us at this address, through the contact form or by sending an email to the following email address: [email protected]
© 2018 Abracom. Total or partial reproduction prohibited.
In accordance with Spanish Data Protection Law (LOPD), we inform you that Abracom is responsible for and is the sole recipient of the personal data relating to your identification, location, identification of the entity to which you belong and the position you have in name and as contact with the entity you represent, used to contact you via email. This data is treated with the aim of performing all the formalities relating to attending your request, preparing budgets, contracting and provision of services to you or the company you represent, as well as maintaining records of commercial relations. You consent the treatment of your data for these purposes, being able to exert your right to access, ratify, cancel and oppose at the address stated above or at that replacing it, and for this to be reported in the General Data Protection Registry. Likewise, we request that with the aim of keeping the data up-to-date, you inform the management of any change thereof, as well as the cessation of your activity in the company to proceed to their cancellation and/or historical treatment.
Abracom wishes to inform users of its website that its policy regarding the treatment and protection of the personal data of users and clients it collects from them in order to view the site or use the services provided therein.
Personal data is any numeric, alpha-numeric, graphic, photographic, acoustic or any other type of information pertaining to identified or identifiable natural persons.
The collection of personal data, the treatment and subsequent use are subject to the current Spanish legislation on the subject of data protection, established by Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter LOPD) and its complementary regulations. Abracom will only be held responsible for the confidentiality and safety regarding the personal data the user facilitates through the website, not taking any kind of responsibility regarding the treatment and subsequent use of the personal data that may be made by third parties providing services of the information society outside of this website.
Abracom informs its users that the collection of personal data could take place, mainly, when sending an email to the email address [email protected], whenever you include personal data, as well as by means of the forms that Abracom includes on the website in the future and in which Abracom is identified as responsible for the data collected therein.
Abracom will inform the users of the website that the compulsory or optional nature of providing the requested information will be previously warned.
If you do not want Abracom to treat your personal data, we request you do not complete the forms included in the website. In any case, you will be expressly informed and in a legible form of the conditions in which the personal data is collected and the purposes its is going to be used for, of the obligation of providing it or not, of the user's rights, of the conditions in which they may be exercised and of any other supplementary information considered necessary.
Treatment of personal data means any operation and technical procedure, whether automated or not, that allows collecting, recording, preserving, preparing, modifying, blocking and cancelling, as well as the transfer of data resulting from communications, enquiries, interconnections and transfers.
In relation to personal data collected by e-mail or filling in the forms on the website, the purposes of treatment will be the following: reply to its communication; attend to your request for information, include you in our contacts (you or the company you belong), to facilitate future business relations or manage the commercial relationship currently existing, carry out the necessary communications through you, transmit the necessary documentation or information requested, as well as maintain a history of trade relations and communications.
If the user is a minor or incapable, Abracom hereby points out the need to have his/her parents', tutors', or legal representatives' consent in order to communicate his/her personal data, therefore, Abracom requests that you refrain from using the email service and/or completion of forms if you do not have your parents', tutors', or legal representatives' consent, not being if otherwise Abracom responsible for the actions of the minor or incapable person.
User's rights as the holders of his/her personal data, Abracom informs users of their rights according to the LOPD. The user may know at all times the data that has been collected about him and treated by Abracom; rectify the information that is inaccurate; cancel this data or oppose to its treatment, the latter right limited to the cases in which his/her consent is not required for the treatment of his/her data, whenever a law does not state otherwise, and when there are grounded and legitimate reasons regarding a specific personal situation, or when this personal data is processed for advertising and commercial research purposes.
To exercise of these rights the user must send a written communication, together with a photocopy of the National ID Card or any other means valid in law accrediting the identity of the user, to the following address: Abracom , at Cl. Partida Cahuets, S/N 46470 Albal Valencia . CIF B/46691705 or that replacing it in the General Data Protection Registry. This communication must contain the following information:
Name and surname of the user.
Petition in which the request is specified.
Address for notification purposes, date and signature of the user.
Documents accrediting the petition made, if applicable.
Abracom informs its users that the exercise of these rights is strictly personal, for which only the user himself can exercise said rights with respect to the personal data of which he/she is the legitimate owner. Nevertheless, and in exceptional cases where it is admissible, the user's authorised representative may exercise the rights protecting the user in the terms set forth, as long as said notice is accompanied by the documented proof of their legal representation.
Abracom hereby informs that the exercise of the rights mentioned above by a third party without the user's legal authorisation could be considered an offence of discovery and disclosure as provided for in the second paragraph of article 197 of the Penal Code. Such offence is subject to punishment by prison terms of between one and four years and a fine between twelve and twenty-four months; without prejudice to the other consequences that the offender may face as a result of any civil or administrative action to which both the user who is the legitimate owner of the personal information and Abracom may have a right.
Abracom hereby recommends that users use the latest versions of computer programmes since these versions have better security measures built-in.
Likewise, Abracom recommends that users use any security means at their disposal (secure web servers, cryptography, digital signatures, firewalls, etc.) as far as necessary in order to protect the confidentiality and integrity of their information since there is a risk of identity theft and violation of communication.
Abracom hereby reminds users that the Internet is not always as safe as we would like it to be and that they must, therefore, adopt the necessary and appropriate technical measures in order to avoid the unauthorised processing of their information.
Abracom hereby warns users that whenever they supply personal information through the Internet or by means of electronic mail, newsgroups, discussion forums, etc., they should keep in mind that said information could be obtained and processed for purposes for which the user does not desire for them to be obtained or processed. For this reason, Abracom recommends that users inform themselves about the confidentiality and privacy policies of the on-line websites they visit.
Abracom hereby warns users that they should keep in mind that, unless they use an encryption system, email on the Internet is not secure. Email messages and discussion forums may be subject to forgeries and identity theft, and this must be kept in mind whenever these services are used. If you do not wish to publish your email address, you should set your navigator so that it does not give your email address out to the web servers you access.
General Conditions of Use of the Website:
The terms and conditions set forth hereunder govern the access to and use of the website www.abracom.es (hereinafter, the site or website), website that is the responsibility of Abracom. Included in the expression "site or website" – although not necessarily limited to these- are the texts, graphs, images, animations, music creations, videos, sounds, drawings, photographs, etc. included therein, and, in general, any creations expressed in any manner or medium, whether tangible or intangible, presently known or which may be invented in the future, regardless whether they are subject or not to intellectual property in accordance with the consolidated text of the Intellectual Property Law or Rule that in the future will succeed it.
Access to the site implies that users acquire a series of rights and obligations in order to guarantee the adequate enjoyment of the services and contents contained therein, and that Abracom makes available to the user free of charge, except if the particular conditions governing a specific service or contents accessible through the website establish that the user has to pay an amount for the use and enjoyment of the same.
The user is aware of the fact that the access and use of the services and contents on the website are carried out under his/her sole responsibility.
The condition of user is acquired by using the website. The user will use the services and contents exclusively for particular purposes and/or on the basis of his/her condition of customer of Abracom, excluding any subsequent modality of use of the same for profit or that produces any direct or indirect benefit.
Abracom hereby informs the user of the following general conditions for use, which is expressly and fully accepted by those in order to have access to the website and/or view the contents or use the services contained therein.
If these general conditions were to be fully or partly replaced by others, the new general conditions will be considered accepted the same as these exposed. Nevertheless, the user of the website must access these general conditions periodically to know the successive versions included herein, although it is recommended that the user accesses them every time he intends to access or make use of the services and contents of the website.
In the case the user does not accept these general conditions or, for instance, the particular conditions governing the use of a specific service and/or contents intended for the users of the website and that determined by said company, the user must abstain from accessing the website.
Abracom could establish Particular Conditions for the use of specific contents or services that must be known and accepted by the user before using them, according to the terms set forth in said Particular Conditions.
The user must establish the appropriate technical safety measures to prevent non-desired actions on his/her information system, files and computer equipment used to access the Internet and, especially, the website, being aware that the Internet is not completely safe.
By accessing the website, the user may enjoy the use of different contents and services either provided by Abracom or, if applicable, by third party suppliers in the conditions set forth for the same. In general, the services and contents offered by this page will be made available in Spanish, without prejudice to the possibility reserved to Abracom of accessing them in the remaining state official languages, as well as in another EU language.
Abracom may modify the provision, configuration and content of this website unilaterally and without prior notice, as well as the particular conditions governing the use of a specific service and/or content intended for the clients of Abracom and/or users of the website.
The cost of the telephone consumption or any other kind of expense for the connection to access the website will be borne exclusively by the user. The user will only have to meet the following technical conditions to use the website www.abracom.es:
Browser: Internet Explorer version 9 or superior, Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Safari.
The user may:
Access free of charge and without the need of prior authorisation the contents and services available as such, without prejudice to the particular technical conditions or the prior need to register regarding the services and specific contents intended for the clients of Abracom according to that established in the general conditions or in the particular conditions of said services.
Use the services and contents available for exclusively particular use, without prejudice of that set forth in the particular conditions governing the use of a specific service and/or contents intended for the clients of Abracom.
The user may download a copy of the web page for its viewing "off-line" for personal and non-commercial purposes.
Make a correct and licit use of the site, according to the current legislation, ethics, proper conduct and public order.
Under no circumstance may the user:
Access or use the services and contents of the site for unlawful purposes, purposes that harm the rights of third parties, or that may damage, spoil or impede in any way the access to the same, in prejudice to Abracom, or third parties.
Use the services, fully or in part, to promote, sell, contract, disseminate advertising or own information or that of third parties without prior authorisation from Abracom. Insert information on the website or use existing services therein with the aim of adversely affecting, directly or indirectly, -the rights and especially the fundamental rights and public civil liberties-of other users of the website or of Abracom; that incite or promote the commitment of criminal, xenophobic, terrorist acts or degrading acts due to age, sex, religion or beliefs; or of a pornographic nature, obscene, violent or that attempt against the law, the morality and proper conduct. For that purpose, information will mean, restricted but not limited to, texts, graphs, images, videos, sounds, drawings, photographs, data, notes, etc.
Include hyperlinks to this website in their particular or commercial websites that are not limited sole and exclusively to access the home page.
Use the services and contents offered on this page without compliance with the general conditions for use and/or particular conditions governing the use of a specific service and/or content, and with prejudice or undermining the rights of the rest of the users.
Carry out any action that prevents or restricts the access to the site by the users, as well as of the hyperlinks to the services and contents offered by Abracom or by third parties on the website.
Use the website as access to the Internet for the commission of unlawful acts or against the current legislation, morality, proper conduct and public order.
Use any kind of computer virus, code, software, computer programme, computer or telecommunications equipment that may cause damages or non-authorised alterations of the contents, programmes or systems accessible through the services and contents provided on the website or on the computer systems, files and computer equipment of the users of the same; or the non-authorised access to any contents and/or services of the website.
Remove or alter in any way the protection or identification devices of Abracom or its legal holders that may be contained in the contents hosted on the website, or the symbols that Abracom or the third party legitimate holders of the rights include to their creations subject to intellectual or industrial property existing in this website.
Include in websites of their responsibility or property "metatags" corresponding to brands, commercial names or distinctive signs property of Abracom.
Reproduce totally or in part the website www.abracom.es in another website or page; he/she may not carry out frames to the web page accessible through the same that hide or modify, restricted but not limited to- contents, advertising spaces and brands of Abracom or third parties, regardless of whether they entail acts of unfair competition or cause confusion.
Create frameworks within the website of his/her responsibility or property that reproduce the home page and/or the pages accessible from it, corresponding to this website without the prior authorisations from Abracom.
Include in a website of his/her responsibility or property a hyperlink that generates a window or session of the navigation software used by a visitor, user or client of his/her website, which include brands, commercial names or distinctive signs of his/her property and through which the home page of www.abracom.es is shown or any of the pages accessible on the same.
Use the brand, commercial names, as well as any other sign of identification subject to intellectual or industrial property rights, without the prior express authorisation in writing by its owner.
Carry out any action that entails the reproduction, distribution, copy, hiring, public communication, transformation or any similar actions that entails the modification or alteration, of all or part of the contents and services of the site, or the economic exploitation of the same, without the prior written authorisation from Abracom, or from the third party owner of the intellectual or industrial property rights that fall on the services or contents of the website and except for that set forth in these general conditions or, if applicable, particular conditions governing the use of a service and/or contents included in the website.
Abracom reserves the following rights:
Modify the conditions of access to the page, whether technical or not, in a unilateral way and without prior notice to users, without prejudice of that set forth in the particular conditions governing the use of a specific service and/or content intended for the clients of Abracom and/or users of the website.
Establish particular conditions and, if applicable, charging a price or other requirements to access specific services and/or contents.
Limit, exclude or condition the access of users when all the guarantees are not met for an appropriate use of the website by the users according to the obligations and prohibitions assumed by the same.
Terminate the provision of a service or supply of a content, without entitlement to compensation, when this is illicit or contrary to the conditions established for the same, without prejudice of that set forth in the particular conditions governing the use of a specific service and/or content intended for the users of the website.
Modify, eliminate or update all or part of the contents or services offered through the site, without prior notice and without prejudice to that set forth in the particular conditions governing the use of a specific service and/or contents intended for users of the website.
Undertake any legal or judicial action that may be expedient to protect the rights of Abracom or third parties that provide their services or contents through the site, provided this is appropriate.
Demand the compensation that may arise from the improper or illegal use of all or part of the services and contents offered through the site.
Abracom is exempt from any liability for any damages of any kind in the following cases:
Due to the impossibility or difficulties in the connection to the communication networks through which this website is accessed, regardless of the type of connection used by the user.
Due to the interruption, suspension or cancellation of the access to the website, as well as due to the availability and continuity of the operation of the site and the services and/or contents therein, when this is due to a cause beyond the control of Abracom, generated by it, directly or indirectly.
Abracom assumes no responsibility regarding the services and contents, or the availability and conditions, whether technical or not, to access them, offered by third party service providers, especially regarding information society service providers. Information society service providers mean those natural or legal persons who provide the following services to the public: transmission through a communication network of data provided by the service recipient, access services to the said network, data housing or storage services, supply of contents and information, temporary copy services of the data requested by the users, facilitating links to contents or search tools.
Abracom, does not at any time assume responsibility for the damages that may be caused by the information, contents, products and services, including but not limited to- provided, communicated, housed, transmitted, exhibited or offered by third parties unrelated to Abracom- including the information society service providers- through a website that can be accessed through a link included in this website.
For the treatment and subsequent use of the personal data made by their parties unrelated to Abracom, as well as the relevance of the information requested by the same.
For the quality and speed of the access to the site and of the technical conditions that the user must provide in order to be able to access the website and its services and/or contents.
Abracom shall not be held responsible for the delays or failures that may take place in the access and/or operation of the services/and or contents of the website, due to a case of Force Majeure. "Case of force majeure" means all those causes that could not have been foreseen, or that even if foreseen would be inevitable, and that result in the non-compliance of any of its obligations. Among them, yet not limiting to these, are strikes, both of its own workers and of workers from third parties, insurrections or riots, as well as rules dictated by any civil or military authority, natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, lightning or fires, wars, lockouts or any other situation of force majeure.
The user of the site will be liable for the damages of any nature caused directly or indirectly to Abracom, for the non-compliance of any of the obligations derived from these general conditions or other rules governing the use of the site.
The user knows that the contents and services offered through the site – including texts, graphs, images, animation, musical creations, videos, sounds, drawings, photographs, all the comments, exhibitions and html code of the same, including, but not limited to, are protected by the intellectual property laws. The author's right and economic exploitation right of this site corresponds to Abracom.
The brands, commercial names or distinctive signs that appear on the website are the property of Abracom, and are protected by the current intellectual property rights.
The provision of the services and publishing of the contents through the website shall not imply any type of cessions, waiver or transmission, total or in part, of the ownership of the corresponding industrial and intellectual property rights.
No part of this website may be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, copied, publicly communicated, transformed, all or in part, by any system or manual, electronic or mechanical means (including the photocopying, recording or any information recovery or storage system) through any means currently known or invented in the future, without the consent from Abracom. The use, under any mode, of all or part of the contents of the site is subject to the need of requesting the prior authorisation from Abracom and the acceptance of the corresponding licence, if applicable, except for that established regarding the rights recognised and granted to the users in these general conditions or to that determined in the particular conditions that Abracom establishes to regulate the use of a specific service and/or contents offered through the website.
The user may not, under any circumstance, use any of the services and contents distributed via the page, other that those that are strictly personal, except in the specific circumstances determined in these general conditions for use of this site or in the particular conditions that Abracom establishes to regulate the use of a specific service and/or contents offered through the website.
If the action or culpable or negligent omission directly or indirectly attributable to the user of the website that leads to an infringement of the intellectual an industrial property rights of Abracom or of third parties – whether there is a benefit for the same or not- results for Abracom in damages, loses, several obligations, expenses of any nature, fines, coercive measures penalties or other amounts arising or derived from any claim, demand, action, suit or procedure, whether civil, criminal or administrative, Abracom will have the right to go against the user by all the lawful means at its disposal and claim any compensation amounts, including, yet not limited to – moral and image damages, general damages and loss of profit, advertising costs or of any other kind that may be relevant for its repair, amounts for sanctions or convictions, that of default interest, the cost of the financing of both amounts that may result for the opposite party, legal costs and the amount for the defence in any process in which it may be sued due to the aforementioned reasons, for the damages caused by his action or omission, without prejudice to performing any other actions he is entitled to by law.
For any doubt or suggestion you may have regarding the previous conditions for use you can contact us at the following email: [email protected]
The access, contest and services offered through the site have, initially, an indefinite duration. Nevertheless, Abracom is authorised to end or suspend the access, services and or/contents of the same at any time, without prejudice to what was established regarding these General Conditions or, if applicable, Particular Conditions governing the use of a specific service and/or content intended for the users of the website.
These general conditions contain all the conditions agreed to by the parties regarding the purpose of the same and any statements, commitments or promises, verbal, written or implicit prior to these conditions regarding the purpose of the same shall be deemed not to exists. The fact that any of the parties does not demand, at any given time, the respect for any of the conditions established in these general conditions or, if applicable, particular conditions governing the use of a specific service and/or contents intended for the users of the website, may not be interpreted by the other as a waiver of the right to subsequently require that this be complied.
In the assumption that any of these general conditions or, if applicable, particular conditions governing the use of a specific service and/or content intended for the users of Abracom and/or users of the website, is void or voidable, totally or in part, this invalidity or voidability shall not affect the validity of other clauses of the same, that will remain fully effective and valid, except if the party claiming its invalidity or voidability proves that without the void or voidable clause the purposes pursued by these conditions may not be achieved.
These general conditions are governed by the Spanish legislation.